Talent Headshot Special Feb 22nd - March 2nd


$175 includes:

                                            * 3 Different Outfits (inside/outside)

* 12 Fully Edited, High-Resolution Digitals


The $175 fee is payable on the day of the photoshoot after the session.  The 12 digitals given to you are carefully chosen by the photographer from the hundreds of frames taken and are yours to keep. The photoshoot takes approximately 1 hour, however, if you would like professional hair & makeup please allow an additional hour. This service is available for $60.

Home Studio is located in Scotts Mill, Apex _______________________________________________________________

Pick the date and time for your photoshoot session!

Google Calendar link: https://calendar.app.google/stNpyrDk7g8j6B8M8


Once I receive your contact info. I will email you with more details.
Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you!